Access our toolkit to find campaign images and messages to share on your social media pages! Be sure to use the hashtag #IAmYouCEO.
We seek to humanize our participants and highlight ways in which their desire and preparation for work is in many ways similar to our own story. Through sharing these stories, we seek to grow support from those who celebrate the transformational power of work. Throughout this campaign, you will receive four emails highlighting the stories of CEO participants and we hope you choose to make a contribution in honor of their story, and your own.
To receive our amazing stories, please use the form below, and share this page with your friends and family!
Scroll down to make a tax deductible donation and to access the media toolkit!
Your contribution helps.
What Your Donation Can Do

Personal Protective Equipment
Provides participants with the equipment needed to begin subsidized transitional employment with CEO, signifying the successful completion of a four-day life-skills course and the first step into earning a wage. Examples of protective equipment provided to participants include work boots, reflective vests, protective hard hats, and work gloves.

Welcome Home Kits
It is often the most minor necessities that can be the most essential to be prepared to enter the workforce. Your gift will empower us to provide Welcome Home Kits consisting of personal care items to participants in our Pathway to Employment class.

Support Job Coaching
Once every week, our participants meet with their job coach, who serves as a partner that assists them in assembling all documents necessary for employment, coach them through the job application process, and ensure eligibility for public benefits. Support training for CEO participants looking to find employment.
Help Us Spread the Word
We’ve come up with a simple way for you to help spread the word about our campaign across social media. Use the button below to access our social media toolkit and don’t forget to use the hashtag #IAmYouCEO.