CEO Louisville Opened in August 2019.
CEO is the only reentry employment program operating in Louisville that has been shown to significantly reduce recidivism, targets individuals at the highest risk of recidivism, and rigorously documents outcomes to maximize its effectiveness.
CEO Louisville launched in August 2019 with support from the Kentucky Department of Corrections and a 3-month pilot work crew services partnership with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Starting in October 2019, CEO became a third party partner in the SNAP Employment and Training Program (federal passthrough funding) and launched a second work crew partnership with Rue Gilt Groupe, a e-retail company warehouse operating in Shepherdsville, KY.
New city program encouraging Louisville employers to hire former felons
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- A new city program is encouraging Louisville businesses to hire former felons. The initiative is called The Second Chance Supporting Business Certification. To be eligible, 10% of a company's employees must be formerly incarcerated. John Doublin knows how hard it is to get a job out ...
How KYTC Offers Former Inmates Job Training
A recent video detailed how the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has helped former prison inmates get hands-on crew experience in landscaping, graffiti removal, rest area cleaning, and litter pickups as part of a job skills program aimed at putting them on the path to gainful employment. Since 2019, the agency has ...
Second chance jobs give formerly incarcerated people a fresh start in Kentucky
April is Second Chance Jobs Month, which highlights the need for job opportunities for formerly incarcerated people and re-entry support services to help them gain and keep employment.
Current state of workforce and innovations practices highlighted at Kentucky Chamber Summit
In the midst of the ongoing workforce shortage, Kentucky businesses, workforce development partners, and human resource experts gathered at the 7th Annual Workforce Summit to discuss solutions, best practices, and resources to help address hiring and retention needs.
Kentucky Launches Partnership with Nation's Largest Evidence-Based Reentry Employment Provider

FRANKFORT, KY (Oct. 8, 2019) – The Kentucky Department of Corrections (DOC) today announced the opening of the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) -- a program that provides immediate, comprehensive employment services to people returning home from prison.