Perri's Journey Through Reentry Cash Support

Jan 27, 2025   |  By Ryan M. Moser

In this Q&A story on the impact of reentry cash assistance, we spoke with Perri, who navigated the challenging path of getting back on your feet upon being released on parole. After living in a sober house for two years, Perri discovered the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) in Denver, which promptly placed them on a beautification transitional work crew and provided a job coach. CEO's support extended to financing their Commercial Driver's License (CDL) training, enabling them to attend a three-week trucking school. Additionally, Perri was enrolled in the CASH+ program, providing a financial lifeline of $500 per month for six months. With the support of family and the sober living community and the certification gained in a halfway house, the interview highlights the personal milestones achieved and the comprehensive benefits of reentry cash assistance to help alleviate the hardships of reentering society.

Q: How did you use the cash assistance funds?

A: I used the CASH+ assistance to pay for my rent, cell phone bill, bus fare, work clothes and boots, bike, and food for myself.

Q: What has the monthly payment allowed you to do that you wouldn’t have without it?

A: It helped take the pressure off because it allowed me to pay for some of the things I needed to survive and gave me a cushion between paychecks.

Q: What do you think people don’t understand about reentry?

A: People coming out are some of the hardest working people because they have the most to lose. The truth is people look at us like felons when we get out, but reentry is hard, and I don’t think people even consider how difficult it is. If you have never been through it, you don’t know. Some guys have no idea about technology and smartphones, and they have to come back to a new world.

Q: What do you want lawmakers to know?

A: Want lawmakers to know that they don’t understand how hard people work when they reenter to succeed, and having that cash assistance when you get out is crucial. When people get out, they have no clothes or hygiene products, and if they feel hopeless, they may commit more crimes; receiving cash gives you more hope and may lower recidivism. If you get out with the shirt on your back and nowhere to go, it’s dire straits.

Perri's experience highlights the crucial role of reentry cash assistance programs like CASH+. These funds helped cover essential costs, easing financial stress and allowing focus on rebuilding a stable life. Programs like these provide more than financial aid; they offer a foundation for a new start. Practical support for reentry reduces recidivism and strengthens communities, emphasizing the need for continued and expanded funding.