CEO Charlotte Welcomes Site Director Tiffany Miller

Jul 29, 2024   |  By Philip Fera

From the start, the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) Charlotte’s Site Director, Tiffany Miller, has had a passion for serving those who have been justice-impacted.

A North Carolina resident, Tiffany attended Catawba College in Salisbury, NC, where she majored in psychology and sociology. In 2004, Catawba College honored Tiffany with a Presidential Citation Award.

Having worked extensively within the staffing industry, a friend pointed out an opportunity for Tiffany at CEO Charlotte, and she became a job coach in 2021. There, she worked diligently with participants, fellow staff, and community partners, all while rising to the position of solutions partner in 2022 and senior job coach in 2023. As of March 11, 2024, Tiffany assumed the position of site director.

“Every job that I’ve had has been a service job,” said Tiffany in regards to what initially brought her to CEO. “I love to serve people. And so, being able to come and serve a population that isn’t necessarily always being served was an amazing opportunity and something that’s helped me work in my passion. Because my passion is people.”

Tiffany mentioned that a strong foundation implemented by CEO Charlotte’s former site director allowed for her transition to be a smooth one. As Tiffany rose into roles with a stronger managerial presence, she never lost the human touch that has positively impacted program participants and community partners.

“I still make sure that I continue to cultivate that human connection. That’s one of the things that I pride myself on—the relationships that I build. I still build relationships with each one of our participants,” spoke Tiffany, further mentioning that she has a strong belief in cultivating relationships with her fellow employees among both vocational and crew staff.

CEO Charlotte, which filled a much-needed niche within the city of Charlotte as one of the only vendors of fair-chance services for the formerly incarcerated, was initially brought in by GreenLight Fund, a national nonprofit network.

“Before CEO came, there was no reentry program. We were actually brought to Charlotte by GreenLight Fund. They were our major funding source, and they are the reason we are in this area. This community needed us and wanted us, because what we offer is a service that was definitely needed.”

Tiffany’s team consistently exceeds its goals, in part due to the continued cultivation of relationships with community partners. GreenLight Fund has been a timeless partner for CEO Charlotte, allowing its important work to be conducted throughout the city of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. Both of these valued partners have provided consistent work for CEO Charlotte’s transitional work.

“We are hitting our metrics; that’s the big thing. We’re able to consistently and exceedingly hit our metrics that our company has outlined for us with enrollments. We exceeded enrollment goals for the fiscal year. Our placements. Half of everyone we’ve brought into the program has been able to secure a full-time position. Shout-out to team Charlotte.”

Tiffany continues to meet monthly with CEO Charlotte’s community partners, especially the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and GreenLight Fund. Through the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County’s fair chance-friendly embracing of CEO’s services, CEO Charlotte has been able to thrive in a community that’s heartily embraced the need for reentry programs.

“It’s because everybody in my office remembers their ‘why.’ Why do we do what we do? It’s not just about collecting a paycheck, it’s not about because it’s our job. None of us do this for a job. All of us do this because it’s our passion. And because it’s our passion and what we’ve been purposed to do, then we do it well.”

Each week Tiffany and her team engage with and propel community partners and program participants to help the formerly incarcerated. When at home, Tiffany enjoys spending time with her family, citing the bonds in her life as a driving force behind her work.